


The beginnings of viticulture in the Breganze area, located in the province of Vicenza in the Veneto region, go back to ancient times. The best wines from these areas have been marketed in Breganze for centuries, from where they were then shipped to the rest of the country. In the second half of the 19th century, the vineyards there were practically completely destroyed by the phylloxera epidemic, which it was in Breganze that began to ravage the country. During the replanting of vineyards, new varieties were introduced, such as Pino Bianco and Nero and Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, which brought great and immediate satisfaction to local winegrowers.


Breganze Bianco is made from the Tocai variety, grown in many places throughout north-eastern Italy, where the soil and microclimate allow for a full expression of the character of this vine.


Maintaining the vinification techniques typical of this area, lokalni producenci wina – którzy już wcześniej na szeroką skalę uprawiali rożne francuskie odmiany winorośli – w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu zaczęli eksperymentować z dojrzewaniem win w małych dębowych beczkach typu barrels. These attempts brought enormous quality success, contributing to the promotion of wines from this area on international markets.


Breganze Wine Protection Consortium

Via Roma, 2

36042 Breganze (VI)


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