Mulled cider

Mulled cider.

Mulled cider gives a lot of heat when drunk.

Sometimes I miss a drink, which will add even more rest. In my case, mulled cider always works, or the cider mulled wine. This warm drink is thirsty to the bottom.

It is a great proposition for long winter evenings. When eaten in the company, it does not taste very good, and simply extremely delicious. So invite your friends and serve them mulled cider.

Our hot liquor will look great in a glass jug. You can serve heated cider in glasses or in jars with a handle and a straw.

If you fancy other liquors, check out my list of liqueurs and liqueurs. I especially recommend the blueberry liqueur with a hint of cinnamon. Don't even ask how good she is.

Enough talking. We get down to work. You will like it.

Ingredients - mulled cider

2 l cider
200 ml of vodka
2 oranges
1 lemon
3 cinnamon bark
10 cloves
3-4 anise stars

Recipe - mulled cider.

I'll start with this, that cider is a carbonated drink, so after preparing our mulled cider there is no chance that bubbles will remain in it.

Pour our cider into a pot and heat it over low heat. We add anise to it, cinnamon and cloves.

Slice the oranges, discarding the polar fragments. Additionally, cut each of the slices in half if the orange is large. Only cut the lemon into slices. Put both fruits in the pot.

We do not boil our cider, because it will lose all its percentage power, and nobody wants that. A light steam may rise over the mulled cider. Keep it on the fire until the orange starts to fall apart - pour the pulp into the cider (ok. 15-20 minutes). This is a sign to add to the exquisite company our high-alcoholic drink - vodka. Ready.

Caution. You can replace the vodka with rum, brandy, or whiskey.

Cost: 28 zloty
Preparation: less than 30 minutes

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