Collio Goriziano lub Collio

Collio Goriziano lub Collio

From time immemorial, the people of the Gorizia region were engaged in the cultivation of vines. The wine growing in these areas over the centuries has become one of the main driving forces of the local economy..

Already the ancient Greeks wrote about a certain Adriano, in which historians recognize the wine produced in the Gorizia area.

Much more information about the local wine has been preserved from the Middle Ages. In one of the letters, Cassiodorus defines the regions of Veneto, Gorizia and Istria as generously gifted by nature. Describing Istria, tells about an area rich in vineyards and fruit orchards.

The word Collio for hill has always been used to refer to wine produced in the vineyards of the hills surrounding Gorizia.

The hills formed during the Eocene. Since then, progressive erosion and human activity have finally shaped the landscape, giving it its current shape.

Two DOC appeals, i.e.. Collio Goriziano and Colli Orientali del Friuli are separated on the map only by the administrative boundary, a thin line on the border between the provinces of Udine and Gorizia. Both areas are dominated by marls and sandstones and the climatic conditions are similar.

Consortium for the Protection of Collio Wines

Via Gramsci, 2 – 4
34071 Cormons (GO)

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