


Located in the Province of Trento, the Casteller production area covers a strip of hills, which runs northwards from the border with the province of Verona, on both sides of the Adyga river at an altitude of up to 600 m n.p.m. Casteller wine is made from Schiava grapes, Merlot i Lambrusco. The Lambrusco a Foglia Frastagliata variety is more popular in the Trentino-South Tyrol region, a zwłaszcza w Vagarinie, in which the conditions are ideal for this strain, better than anywhere else in Italy. The success of this variety is partly due to its high level of production – sometimes it is even 150 quintals per hectare, i.e. a quantity comparable to the level of production obtained from the Schiava Grossa variety.


Studies on varieties grown at the end of the nineteenth century, which in 1894 of the year published by Professor Mach – Director of the Agricultural Institute of San Michele all'Adige – Showed, that Schiava belonged to the most popular varieties of those areas. Currently, however, vineyard owners prefer the Gentile sub-variation., from the Schiava family. Schiav Grossa, also called Nobile was treated as a table grape rather than a vine for wine production and was eagerly bought throughout Europe under the name Uva Meranese di Cura.

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