“Tea” For the ladies

The word tea is placed in quotation marks and this is probably how it should be understood. It is obvious, that we don't just serve tea, unless the ladies are experienced experts in this drink, and we are masters in its preparation, we also have a wide selection of different kinds of teas and we know how to brew them at least 3-4 ways.

Most often, the term "tea” means a meeting of some ladies, who have just decided to meet,'”to… discuss your affairs without men. The easiest way would be to serve tea or coffee and bring a good piece of cake from the pastry shop, but we use a similar solution so often on various office occasions, that it would not be graceful to duplicate it at home. Moreover, practice proves, that we often hear after the so-called sweets: "You don't have anything spicy in the fridge, I'd like to eat something”. And then there is consternation, because how to serve herring, gherkins and sausage after the cake. And sometimes also, that we just have nothing at home, because the family left and we decided to take a break from the culinary activities.

There are also occasions, when you need to invite some old lady friends, e.g.. mother-in-law and her dear friends, and then it is especially worth developing a well-thought-out culinary plan, even if only very modest. Sometimes it is enough to bake homemade cookies, but really tasty and original. For such an occasion, toasts baked with cheese and a piece of cold cuts are good, garnished with a blot of ketchup or other hot sauce, or ramekins with sausages or small dumplings also baked in the oven. It's for the fall / winter period. If we organize a meeting in summer or late spring, it is worth remembering about seasonal vegetables and fruits, e.g.. a light appetizer of kohlrabi, fruit salads or fresh fruit with whipped cream.

We also make drinks dependent on the season. For winter and autumn, a light aperitif made of fruit juice and vermouth or a very tasty "cranberry" will be appropriate.” (it must be prepared two days in advance), which still has the advantage, that its taste stays in the memory for a long time.

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