Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Dried out, chopped flakes or ground rhizomes of this exotic, the plants grown in the tropics are valuable, Healthy, an aromatic spice with a fairly wide range of uses. In other countries, ginger macerated in sugar syrup is sold, fried in sugar and even covered in chocolate as a delicacy with stomach-strengthening properties. Ginger marmalade, very original in taste, is very popular in America. In Poland, for several centuries, "Strengthens" the stomach with a teapot, that is, a tincture in the rhizomes of ginger. In England, ginger cakes are very popular, the so-called. „Gingerbread”, and ginger lemonade. Ginger flake added to pear compote, especially pumpkin, works real miracles; compote becomes something new, at least original. Heavy, fatty meats become easier to digest, when we season the sauce with a pinch of ginger. As for the old Polish recipes for gingerbread – ginger is a classic ingredient in the ensemble of spices. Because ginger root in deli stores galore (ground), it is worth trying it out every day in the home kitchen.