How to make Malvasia wine

How to make Malvasia wine

You have to take the herb muskrat, aloe tree, galgant root (spice plant, variety of ginger), nutmeg flower, each of them has a fifth part, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves of each of them two-fifths, candy (a type of coarse-crystalline sugar) 1 stroke, all this is roughly crushed and put into a wooden vessel, and then flooded with the best vodka, closed well in the vessel, so that the aroma does not disappear, leave on 24 hours, then put the ingredients described above in a linen bag and hang it on a thin string in the wine, leave for three, four days, then take out the bag and this way you will have natural malvasia wine ".

And at the end:

"Wineries, which, they don't have much wine in the cellars, they can get wine of all kinds of flavors, whatever they want. Herbs or ingredients, what who wants, each separately, you have to hang in good vodka for a day, for the vodka to extract the aroma of this herb, Pour each extract into a separate vessel and add a few drops to each quart. Approved".

Such descriptions continue through the next few pages; who would like to try, should do it, and for others, the following modern recipes are intended.

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