Cauliflower (Brassica cauliflora)

Cauliflower (Brassica cauliflora)

Cauliflower appeared in Europe only in the 16th century. and was initially grown in Italy. Apparently, it was brought from Cyprus by knights of the cross. The cauliflower rose is indeed a flower, or more precisely: undeveloped inflorescence. Cauliflower, especially young, strict and fresh, is an exquisite vegetable, tasty, low calorie, containing m. in. iron and vitamin C.. It should not be cooked for too long (25 minutes), putting the cob to the bottom of the boiling water, under cover (it will keep the white color). The cauliflower has a particularly delicate flavor, when, apart from salt and sugar, we add a little butter or margarine to the water. After boiling the vegetables, use the water to make soups and sauces - it is tasty and contains valuable mineral salts. Cauliflower is a very healthy vegetable and belongs to the most easily digestible representatives of the cabbage family. In Poland, cauliflowers began to be cultivated only under Queen Bona.

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