Barbera del Monferrato

Barbera del Monferrato

The Barber strain was first described in 1798 year by Count Nuvolone in the systematics of grape varieties grown in the territory of Piedmont, jako 'Vitis vinifera Montferratensis'”. This name is derived from the historical name, situated in the hills of the region, which to this day is the main center of cultivating the variety: Monferrato.

It is not excluded, that the Barbera variety was created as a result of an accidental crossing of older grape varieties. One thing is certain, however – Barbera is a strain with a very long tradition, despite, that the first official references to it appear only a few centuries ago, more specifically, they can be found in a document dating back to the 17th century, currently stored in the Town Hall of Nizza Monferrato.

Chronologically speaking, Barbera appears for the first time in literature, but without mentioning the name, at Paul the Deacon. The chronicler was supposed to have in mind the wine produced from this grape variety when describing the trick, which they used during the Battle of Refrancore in 663 Longobards, to defeat the Franks. According to this story, Grimaldo, the Lombard commander, was to order his troops to fill the amphorae with wine from the local cellars, and then placing them in different places on the battlefield. The Franks quickly emptied the contents of the amphorae and, as a result, lost the battle.

Today, Barbera wine accounts for approx 50% of the entire wine production region of Piedmont. When asked about Piedmontese wine, we answer without hesitation: Barbera.

Consorzio Tutela Vini d Asti e Monferrato

Via Morelli ,15
14100 Until (AT)

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