Neatness. Cheesemaking requires neatness and rewards it handsomely, and it wastes in sloppiness. The great cheese industry has developed primarily on the basis of neatness, where the production of pure and healthy milk has become a commandment, custom and - income.
Not all types of cheese have the same requirements for the benefits of milk. Actually, none can tolerate the disadvantages of milk, however, their sensitivity to them is uneven. Therefore, the condition for the existence of the cheese-making industry in the modern sense is the production of healthy and in every respect delicious milk. But healthy milk can only be obtained from healthy ones, clean and properly fed cows. The sun is man's best ally in the fight against microbes, fresh air and neatness at every turn.
Stable (game reserve) it should be sunny, extensive, dry, warm (16 do 18°C) and provided with ventilators, enabling a change of air without strong drafts, to which milking cows are particularly sensitive. The stables are stuffy and damp at the same time cold, because only dry hair retains body heat.
Walls should be whitewashed with fresh slaked lime from time to time. Cows should be carefully cleaned with a scraper, because caring for their skin not only reduces the number of microbes, but also has a positive effect on health and milk yield.
Before milking, any activity which causes dust or other air pollution should be avoided. Therefore, you give food and bedding, and the manure is removed only after milking.
Litter. Dry and undamaged straw should be used as bedding. Peat is less suitable for litter than straw. In a dry state, due to spraying, it pollutes cattle and the environment, when wet, it stains heavily. Cattle grazing in the wild are under favorable conditions, when it's dry. On the other hand, during rainy days and in the marshes, it becomes dirty with mud abundant in microorganisms, which form spores (spores).
Forage. The effect of the feed on the consistency of the faeces is not without significance, as well as the quantitative and qualitative composition of the bacteria, which then get into the milk. The smoother the feces, the easier it is for cows and milk to contaminate themselves with it. Therefore, digestive disorders should not be allowed. To this end, the change of feeds should take place gradually. Also, avoid overfeeding with diarrhea (see the disadvantages of milk). When delivering milk to the cheese dairy, the most suitable feed in summer is not too young, but also not very outdated sweet grass with a lot of clover admixture, without the addition of concentrated feed in any form. In summer, it serves cattle best and has the best effect on the production of healthy cheese milk., where the cattle can choose the food they like. In the stable, it no longer has that choice.
In autumn, the real disaster of our cheese-making industry is excessive feeding with beetroot leaves, carp and cabbage, which are kept in heaps and heaps, until they get hot and rot; in addition, they are polluted with earth. At this time, also potato haulm is unsuitable forage. Weeds, like wheat, mustard, etc.. they are not very nutritious food.
Green feed, like vetch, mixtures, horse tooth, Rye, oats should be eaten in moderate amounts, if it can be mixed, to avoid one-sidedness in food.
In winter, healthy sweet hay has a beneficial effect on milk production. The Swiss breeder asks him to 15 kg per day per head. The rest is supplemented with concentrated and root fodder. Barley middlings are mixed with the concentrate feed, wheat bran (rye not allowed in Emmental cheese making), oats and healthy cakes in quantity 0,5 do 1 kg per head per day. Everything must be dry, On the other hand, cake is used as a mixture of several species.
All industrial waste, especially fermented, like distillery stock, beet bagasse, brewery deli, etc.. are prohibited in the production of cheese milk.
It is also forbidden to feed raw potatoes, however, it is allowed to ask cooked if possible whole, so that the debris does not stick to the feeders.
When delivering cheese milk it is forbidden to feed the cattle with silage, because they contain butyric acid bacteria, which destroy the cheeses. The danger of infection is even then, when dairy cattle are not fed silage, but when they receive them in the same stable without milk.
Admittedly, cheeses consumed fresh or short-maturing will not reveal any contamination with butyric acid bacteria and can be used to make the milk of cows fed with silage., but it's better to avoid it, due to the risk of vascular infection, and still milk for other cheeses.
Water for drinking. Water for drinking should be healthy and not too cold. Polluted water taken from a puddle, ponds and dirty rivers equates to spoiled forage.
Drinking utensils should be clean and only used for this purpose. There should not be leftover fodder leftovers in the nurseries, they must be kept clean and sometimes decontaminated with milk of lime.

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