Hazelnuts (chopsticks) lactic acid (Thermo-bacterium) - sticks that like warmth. As the name suggests, they are in the form of sticks that sometimes form long chains. They are approx 1 micron, length to 10 and more microns. They like to grow without air access at temperatures ranging from 40 do 50°C, however, they withstand even higher temperatures, in which many other microbes are already dying. Below 20 ° C their development is little or no. They produce a lot of lactic acid, because to 3% and withstand the competition of other microbes well, and if they are numerous enough, suppress such pests as bloating bacteria. Their service is used in cheese making, in which they are considered to be very useful. In addition to milk sugar, some varieties also break down casein into simpler compounds down to amino acids.
Thermobacterium helveticum = Bact. casei E (epsylon) it is of great importance in Emmental cheese making and other similar cheeses heated to high temperatures during processing. It develops at high temperatures in the milk, whey and cheese. A number of treatments used in the production of Emmental cheeses favor their development to the detriment of other microorganisms, as long-term additional heating of the cheese slurry to 56 °C, maintaining the temperature for a long time 56 up to 35 ° C in cheese under the press, whey hoarding, steaming the leaven with a boiling switch, etc..
Thermobacterium helveticum comes from the digestive tract of milk-fed animals. Cheesemakers take them from calf abomas and grow them in natural rennet mortar, or they use pure laboratory culture.
They are close to them: Thermobacterium bulgaricum and Thermobacterium yogurti found in sour milk from the southeast. Their optimal temperature is 40 do 50°C, however, they withstand heating to almost 75 ° C. Sometimes cheesemakers use them as a substitute for cheese acids as highly acidic, especially for suppressing alkalizing or puffing bacteria. The varieties of these hazelnuts can be found in the Hutsul huślanka and the Kołotusha in Podole.
c. Streptobacterium. This genus includes Streptobacterium casei = Bact. casei a (alfa). It is in the form of short sticks that bind into chains. It grows well in milk, in which it produces 1,5% to lactic acid at 35 ° C. It also strongly breaks down casein down to one amino acid.
It played a significant part in the maturation of the cheeses.
d. Betabacterium: Betabacterium breve = Bact. casei and (gamma). It is shaped like short sticks, as thick as Bact. casei and (epsylon).
Sour milk after 36 hours at 30 ° C.
Betabacterium long = Bad. casei S (delta) creates long, but thinner chicks than Bad. casei epsylon. It thrives best at temperatures around 45 ° C, below 18 ° C the development of this hazel grouse stops. It participates in the maturation of Emmental and related cheeses that are strongly heated. It only develops slowly in milk.
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