Cagnina di Romagna

Cagnina di Romagna


The Cagnina grape variety comes from the Friuli area. It was most likely brought to Romagna around the 13th century, while importing huge amounts of limestone from Carso and Dalmatia, intended for the construction of the most important Byzantine monuments of Ravenna.


Cagnina resembles the Terrano strain (also known as Refosco) from Istria and Carso, both in terms of its ampelography, as well as the results obtained during vinification. A descriptive term in the local dialect by grasp ros (that is in Italian dal raspo rosso – with a red peduncle) is usually added to the name, as is the case with the Friulian Terrano, where the same characteristic is referred to as a term dal peduncolo rosso.


Cagnina wine currently produced in Romagna is red, soft wine, ready to drink just a few months after harvest and the following short ripening period in barrels. Sometimes – in annuals with exceptionally favorable climatic conditions – wine can be aged for several years, uzyskując przy tym wybitne wyniki.


Ente Tutela Vini di Romagna

Garibaldi Course 2

48018 Faenza (RA)


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