Artichokes (Cynara scolymus)

Artichokes (Cynara scolymus)

Because we have recently started growing artichokes on a slightly larger scale, it is worth spending a few words on them. Undeveloped flowers thanks to fleshy, the green covers of the inflorescence look a bit like cacti, the whole plant has a very familiar appearance of a huge thistle, which is also essential. It is the fleshy parts of the leaves of the flower and the "heart" that are edible” inflorescence. Artichokes are a very tasty and healthy vegetable. We boil them in steaming or salted water and serve cold or hot, sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice. In the "great” the kitchen serves artichokes with spicy, exquisite sauces. "Hearts" of young inflorescences, properly seasoned, they are a delicious and delicate salad. When buying artichokes, we pay attention, that the "roses" are closed and beautifully green, for they are open and dark - they are old, long broken, and therefore stringy and unfit for consumption.

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