Cheese pastes

Cheese pastes

I. 25 a dag of fresh cottage cheese: spoon of butter or margarine, spoon of cream, 3-4 garlic cloves, spoon of oregano (origan), salt, pinch of sugar

Pass the curd through a grinder, and then rub until smooth, adding butter and cream. Season with crushed garlic, sole, sugar and oregano (they can be replaced with marjoram or Bulgarian chubritz).

yl. 25 a dag of yellow cheese with a mild taste, 10 dag bryndzy, spoon of butter or margarine, a teaspoon of onion salt, 3 spoons of chopped walnuts, a pinch of dried thyme, pinch of sugar

Mix the fine grated cheese with the sheep cheese and warmed butter. Add spices and rub until smooth.

Caution: Cheese pastes are served on clay pots or in half-hollow squashes or a small pumpkin. Salty fingers are placed next to them, serving as cutlery to scoop them up.

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