Baked peaches, moral, bananas

Baked peaches (Baked Peaches) – Portion for 1 persons

1 fresh peach
1 a heaped spoon of raspberries or strawberries
allowed sugar or honey
2 tablespoons of water

Peel the washed peach. Remove the pit. Place in a small ovenproof dish. On a separate plate, crush the raspberries or strawberries and pour them over the peach. Sprinkle with sugar or pour over honey – to taste. Add water, cover.
Bake in a slightly preheated oven (150°C). A ripe peach is enough 25 minutes, immature at this temperature it needs 40 minutes. Serve warm or cold.

CAUTION: In case of allergy to yeast, strawberries and raspberries should be replaced with fresh orange juice and served immediately after baking..


Baked apricots (Baked Apricots) – Portion for 1 persons

3-4 moral
juice from 1/2 lemon or orange
allowed sugar or honey

Wash the apricots, make cuts along the natural line with a knife, to remove the stones while keeping the fruit whole. Rinse a small ovenproof dish with water and place the apricots on the bottom. Sprinkle with juice and sugar.
Bake covered in a slightly preheated oven (150°C) about 25 minutes, or longer, if the apricots are unripe. Serve warm or cold.

CAUTION: For a yeast-free diet, peel the fruit, and if you are allergic to citrus, replace orange or lemon juice with water with cinnamon.


Baked bananas (Baked Bananas) – Portion for 4 people

oil to lubricate the mold (tooth. possibilities)
4 ripe bananas
4 spoons of fruit juice (tooth. possibilities)
1-2 spoons of permitted sweetener

Grease an ovenproof ovenproof dish. Cut the bananas in half lengthwise and place them on the bottom of the baking tin. Pour over the juice and sprinkle with sweetener.
Bake in a medium preheated oven (200°C) about 20 minutes. Serve hot.


Oil: sunflower or safflower
Fruit juice: white or dark grape juice, Orange juice, juice from 1/2 lemons mixed with 3 tablespoons of water, pineapple juice, a handful of crushed raspberries mixed with 3 tablespoons of water

CAUTION: If you are allergic to citrus, do not use orange or lemon juice. Use only freshly squeezed juice for yeast-free diets, avoid raspberries.

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