Meat fritters (Rissoles)

Meat fritters (Rissoles) – Portion for 1 persons

50 g lean cooked meat, cold
1/4 medium onion, finely chopped
1 a teaspoon of oil (tooth. possibilities)
1 medium potato, cooked and mashed
2 sprigs of parsley, finely chopped
broth (tooth. possibilities)
water or milk
freshly ground black pepper (freely)

Thoroughly remove any fat from the meat. Grind coarsely or chop finely. Fry the onion in a little oil 2 minutes. Meat, crushed potato, fried onion, Mix the parsley and broth with a fork in a bowl, adding a little water or milk so that the mass is not too hard. Season with pepper, if someone likes. Form two flat cakes, fry them in a little oil 3 minutes. Carefully turn over with the spatula and fry more 3 minutes on the other side. Serve hot with cooked vegetables or lettuce.


Boiled meat: chicken, lamb, beef
Broth: 2 teaspoons of strong homemade broth, 2 teaspoons of gravy or any other permitted liquid seasoning
Oil: sunflower, saffron or other allowed

CAUTION: Use water for a dairy-free diet.

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