Tea production

Tea production

Tea production. Of course, Tea production. Tea production, Tea production, Tea production. Tea production. Tea production, Tea production. Tea production. Thanks to this, Tea production, Tea production. Tea production, Tea production. The twisting process is different in the production of granulated tea and different in the production of leaf tea.

The next step is fermentation, thus the most important process in the production of tea. It is either responsible for reinforcement, or for the softening of the taste and aroma of this unique drink. The process involves exposing the leaves to warm and humid air. Fermentation usually takes about three hours. It may be a bit shorter, or longer depending on the type of tea. The process reduces the amount of tannins, while activating theine.

The next step is drying, which inhibits the fermentation process. It is thanks to drying that we can store tea for a long time, without worrying about it, that it will break. The leaves are subjected to high temperature - approx 90?C. It takes less than half an hour. As a result of drying, their water content is significantly reduced. When the process is complete, it is around 5%.

The final step, of course, is sorting and packing the tea leaves. As a rule, they are divided according to their size. Special sieves are required for sorting.

For flavored teas, at the end, dried fruit is added to them, flowers or spices. It all depends on this, what kind of tea we want to produce.

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