Making tea

Making tea

Brewing tea is extremely important. By doing it the wrong way, even the best tea will lose its flavor. Of course, it also works the other way around. If we buy poor quality tea, then following all the brewing rules will not work, that it will have a unique taste.

And so, Firstly, choose the right type of tea. Before we make a purchase, it is worth getting some information about different types of tea and choosing the right drink based on them.

Hard water should not be used for making tea, which, unfortunately, often flows from the taps in our homes. The water should be filtered, before we cook it. If we don't have a filter, then we can use mineral water to make tea, purchased in the store. However, if we do not have access to good quality water, so let's decide on Ceylon tea, the taste of which is not so dependent on water, as with other types of tea.

The best way to brew tea is in a porcelain kettle. It is important to, to warm it up first, pouring a little boiling water into it. Then the water must be mixed, to warm the walls of the teapot and pour it out. Tea is poured into such a prepared vessel and poured with hot water. It is important though, so as not to boil the water. Best, so that it does not start to bubble a lot, but it should lather and become white. This is extremely important, because too much boiled water contributes to the deterioration of the taste of the tea. It is also not allowed to boil the same water several times, which often happens to us. It also degrades the quality of the drink.

Different types of tea require a different temperature of the water. It was described in the tabs, describing its various types. After flooding the leaves, wait a few minutes, to brew properly. After this time, the tea is poured into porcelain cups. We do not leave any leftover tea in the teapot, still with leaves, and if we have a little drink left, we don't drink it anymore. However, there are types of tea, whose leaves can be brewed several times.

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