Hot drinks suggestions for cool evenings

Hot drinks suggestions for cool evenings

When winter takes its toll, and the frost takes away the last of your strength, it is worth eating a hot drink. We have for you 3 extremely tasty suggestions!

Hot chocolate with chili

Chocolate improves your mood, in turn, chili has properties warming up, moreover accelerates fat burning and lowers the level of bad cholesterol. Antioxidants contained in peppers slow down the aging process of the body. How to prepare hot chocolate? It's simple! 15 Break a dag of dark chocolate into pieces and throw it into a saucepan. We add a tablespoon of powdered sugar, powdered chili pepper (the quantity depends on our preferences) and 250 ml of heavy cream. Put the saucepan on low heat, stirring occasionally. When all the ingredients are perfectly combined, add a little orange zest and a glass of cognac and mix. We can replace chili with powdered ginger - it will be just as tasty!

Coffee in Irish

Drinking coffee in the evening is a risky move, if you are afraid of insomnia - it is worth using decaffeinated coffee. At the bottom of a tall glass, pour a tablespoon of cane sugar and pour one measure of Irish whiskey. Brew a cup of espresso (in a coffee machine or in a mocha), pour into a glass, we mix the ingredients thoroughly. Pour the cream lightly whipped with sugar on top, we sprinkle cocoa.

Mulled wine

The preparation of this warming drink is very simple. Heat the red wine in a saucepan, by adding your favorite spices - for example, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anise. But let's remember, so as not to boil the wine!

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