Party “standing”

This type of party is not popular in Poland, but very widespread in Western countries under the name "party”. I suppose, that it is worth accepting in our terms, because it's easy to organize, even in a modest size and you do not need to think too much about what to say”. Of course, parties are quite diverse and not always standing up. They are often combined with bridge or with dancing. Garden party – besides, that it takes place in the garden - it often provides for outdoor games, burning a campfire, roasting. However, a classic party is designed for a large number of people - from 10 to several dozen, where only drinks are served (cocktails, aperitify), very rarely pure alcohol and small snacks, miniature sandwiches on crackers, squares of rolls and bread. This type of party never lasts (at least it shouldn't) longer than 2 time.

There is, of course, no prohibition, so that someone somewhere does not sit on the couch or armchair, but in practice, everyone is talking standing up, for several people or in pairs; it is not accepted to have a general social conversation. It would just be very inconvenient or even impossible. A party is therefore a very practical form of hosting a large number of people, not always the closest friends, on such an occasion, like promotion, anniversary, name day, farewell before going to another city or abroad. During the party, it is necessary to do some business matters, what should not be done, e.g.. during a sit down party, exchange addresses, meet someone and chat directly. It is not appropriate, however, to make personal confessions or conduct a complex discussion on one topic. Of course, today, when most people think, that everything falls out and does not recognize any conventions, it is difficult to even suggest anything. However, there is one indisputable rule: courtesy to the hosts. So if they throw a party, let's be polite, brilliant, let's change conversation partners, because our "stuffy” trouble won't interest anyone. And most of all - let's say goodbye within two hours.

We organize this type of party in the late afternoon or evening. Guests are punctual with a tolerance of up to a quarter of an hour. The room must be quite large - it can be two connected rooms or a room and a hall. Drinks should be grouped on a handy table or sideboard. We place trays or large plates on low tables or on a large table, preferably completely flat, with miniature sandwiches, peanuts, almonds. After greeting the guests - the host provides them with a suitable drink (offers a few to choose from), snacks are eaten by the guests themselves, the hostess can only bring a tray to someone sitting. It is the host's responsibility to refill someone's empty glass, when, of course, the guest agrees.

If we serve whiskey and gin for this occasion (sometimes because of foreigners, who do not always accept Polish vodka), put a bottle with soda or mineral water next to it, tonic and ice cubes in a special thermos. Often guests make themselves a "drink” alone, due to their own favorite proportions and sets of ingredients. Cocktails and aperitifs can be prepared in advance in glass jugs, and when pouring into a glass, add only ice and olive, a cherry or a piece of lemon.

If we have a bar in the apartment, the host can play a real bartender and prepare each cocktail individually in a shaker, which, however, requires full bar equipment, different kinds of alcohols, juices and additives, like olives, angostura, cherries, crushed ice. However, such a situation is completely absorbing and leaves no time for a conversation. A standing party also has this advantage, that no tableware is needed here, cutlery or porcelain sets. However, a large amount of glass is necessary, under our conditions it is not always available. Whiskey and gin glasses should be quite large, with a thick bottom, not very high, for cocktails and aperitifs - tall glasses (good too, if they have a thick bottom). For more sophisticated cocktails, there can be thin cups, clear glass on a thin stem. Intensely colored or painted glass is out of the question. Crystal glasses, if they have a thick bottom, can only be used for whiskey, crystal glasses – do sherry.

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