Spaghetti with Genoese sauce

Spaghetti with Genoese sauce

30 day spaghetti, a handful of basil leaves (can be dried), possibly a little marjoram, 4-6 garlic cloves, 3-4 spoons of walnuts crushed in a mortar, 80 a dag of grated sharp sheep's cheese, half a cup of olive oil or oil, a teaspoon of butter (not necessarily), salt

Wash the basil leaves, pat dry and chop very finely together with the garlic and salt, which helps maintain a fresh green color. Put into a mortar and grate, adding a little grated cheese. The mass should be light pea-colored. Pour oil over it, constantly stirring, until it becomes liquid. For a more refined taste, you can put a teaspoon of butter in before adding the oil. Cook the spaghetti as above, strain, pour Genoese sauce and serve immediately.

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