Category Archives: Sprouts

Chlebki, crisps and "porridges" of cereal sprouts

mower tongue1. Bread with sprouts

4 cups of 2-day-old wheat or rye sprouts
1/2 teaspoons of ground cumin

Grind the sprouts to a homogeneous mass. Add makeup. Crush the mass into a cake approx. 1/2 cm on an oiled tray or … read on

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Nutritional values ​​of sprouts

sprouts ingredientsThe revival of enzyme activity is inevitably accompanied by the synthesis of vitamins, which, in fact, are nothing more than the components of various enzymes. The content of vitamins in sprouts is many times higher than in seeds, from which they developed. On … read on

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The difference between a seed and a sprout

sprouts seedsSo what is the difference between a seed and a sprout that develops from it?? What causes, that the seed, which in itself is already valuable food, when transformed into a sprout, it becomes a real nutritional treasure?
Let's have a look … read on

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Sprout seed selection

sprout seedsSo as you can see, sprouts are an exceptionally rich source of amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes and other substances important for health. So no wonder, that many scientists now believe, that sprouts are the most perfect food known on Earth. This is not only supported by this … read on

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Seed germination methods

seed germination1. Pour the cleaned and rinsed seeds into the jar. Intensely germinating seeds (e.g.. lanterns) we pour a little, ok. 2 teaspoons for a quarter-liter jar.
2. Cover the jar with gauze and fix it with an elastic band. Pour water over the seeds for a period of approx. 8 hours. Slightly shorter - … read on

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Growing seedlings

seedlingsThe seedlings are different from the sprouts, that they represent the next stage of plant development; the seedling is already a young independent plant.
Wheat seeds are most suitable for growing seedlings, buckwheat and sunflower. Additionally, except jars, soil and plastic trays or are needed … read on

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Sprout drinks

RejuvelacSprouts and seedlings can be used to prepare a variety of dishes: salads, soups, "Porridge", loaves, as well as drinks, such as green juices or a rejuvenating drink (Rejuvelac). Here are some basic provisions and suggestions, which can be treated as a kind of basis to work out … read on

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Sprouts are food full of life

sproutsMore and more people in Poland are interested in healthy eating, therefore no wonder, that and sprouts are gradually becoming more and more popular. This chapter attempts to answer the question: why sprouts are such an unusual treasure in the kitchen, and - … read on

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