How to prepare asparagus?

How to prepare asparagus?

To prepare young and tender asparagus, simply trim the ends of the stalks and rinse them before cooking. However, older asparagus with hard and woody ends require a little more smiley treatment. Cut off the hard ends and trim the asparagus, so that they are of approximately equal length. These aged asparagus can be thinned with a vegetable cutter. Lay asparagus in salted boiling water and cook it slowly in a freely positioning cooker. You can also tie the asparagus into bunches and cook them vertically in a sufficiently high dish. When using this method, the asparagus heads should be above the boiling water, so that they are gently steamed.

Recipe for asparagus with ham (4 delicious portions):

about 900 g medium-sized asparagus, carefully peeled and prepared for cooking
180 ml of clarified butter
10 ml of lemon juice
30 ml of sliced ​​spring onions (bulbs)
15 ml of parsley
4 slices of ham
salt and pepper

Half fill a deep pan with salted water, put on the fire and bring the water to a boil. Put the asparagus in and cook it slowly around 5 minutes, until they soften slightly – take out and strain. Butter, lemon juice, Mix the chopped onions and parsley in a small saucepan. Season to taste with salt and pepper, put on the fire and heat carefully until it is ready, until the sauce is warm.

Place the drained asparagus on warm plates, Garnish each portion with a slice of ham, pour the seasoned herbs with butter and serve. It looks very cool

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