Yiddish carp

Yiddish carp

Karp (1,2-1,5 kg), 1 kg of onions, soup vegetables without cabbage, a handful of raisins, a handful of almonds, salt, some sugar

Clean carp and remove viscera, keeping the bladder, fins (also side) and scales. Wrap all the waste in gauze in a loose knot. Cut the fish into a bell, cut off my head, remove eyes. Carp do not wash, just add salt and sugar together with the blood, set aside in a cool place. Peel the onion from the husks, cut in half, pour water, add a knot with fins, with husks and a bladder and cook for approx. 30 min. After this time, add the peeled soup vegetables and cook until tender, then remove it and use e.g.. for a salad. Drain the stock into a second saucepan or fish pan, throw away the knot, rub the onion through a nylon sieve. Boil the liquid, salt, put in a carp bell and head and cook over very low heat for approx. 15 min., counting from the boiling point. Meanwhile, rinse the raisins, Blanch the almonds and peel them. Carefully remove the soft fish, put it on the platter with your head like this, so that it has a natural shape, pour the sauce, sprinkle with raisins and almonds. Place in the refrigerator until the sauce sets. Serve best with slices of challah.

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