Kutia Lesser Poland

Kutia Lesser Poland

3/4 stuffed glasses” (without scales) wheat, 2 glasses of water, a glass of poppy seeds, half a cup of liquid honey, 2-3 fiji, 3 dates, 2 spoons of chopped almonds or nuts, salt, 2 spoons of chopped fried orange peel, 2-3 tablespoons of sweet cream or condensed milk, 1 a teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Pour the wheat with two glasses of lightly salted boiling water and cook over low heat for as long, until the water boils, and the grains will stick together. Set it aside to cool completely. Rinse the poppy seeds, scald with boiling water, drain thoroughly and 3-4 pass through the razor times, and then rub in a pot with honey and vanilla sugar until smooth. Mix the cooled wheat with the honey-poppy seed mass.

In this form, kutia was served in the countryside in the old days. That it would take on a more refined taste, you should also add delicacies cut into thin stripes and sweet cream; you can also sweeten it with powdered sugar. Put on the table before serving 2-3 at. into the fridge. If you can't get stuffed” wheat (he attends fairs), it is replaced with pearl barley or rice; a pinch of cinnamon must be added to the rice.

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