French Christmas Eve dessert

French Christmas Eve dessert

5 large apples (preferably rennet), 6 spoons of sugar, spoon of juice 2 lemons, half a glass of water, scalded peel of half a lemon, 2 spoons of raisins, a glass of cream (fondant), 1 i 1/2 spoons of powdered sugar, half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar

Peel the apples, cut on 6 parts, remove the seed pockets. Sprinkle with lemon juice, put into a saucepan, cover with sugar, pour water, add lemon zest. Cook over low heat until the apples are glassy. Remove the lemon zest, arrange the apples in a circle in a glass compote, pour cooking liquid. Make a mound of whipped cream in the center, sprinkle with soaked and cloth-dried raisins. After strong cooling, whip the cream with vanilla sugar and powdered sugar (preferably in a blender) for thick foam. Serve the dessert very cold straight from the fridge.

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