Elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body

Elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body

Calcium: affects bone structure, teeth, blood clotting, heart-rhythm, nerves, muscle building and functioning. Main food source – milk, to be, yoghurt, almonds, Supplement liver: dolomit

chrome: regulates blood sugar levels and the conversion of sugars (energy). Main food source – beer yeast, corn oil, whole grain

copper: affects bone structure, healing processes, thought processes, emotional states. Main food source – beans, peanuts, offal, seafood, raisins, liver, avocado

iodine: affects the transformation of energy, physical and mental development. Main food source – fish and shellfish, iodized salt Supplement: iodine in tablets

Iron: has hematopoietic properties, strengthens resistance to stress and diseases, and for children to grow. Main food source – eggs, fish, offal, poultry, wheat germ, liver

Magnesium: maintains acid-base balance, blood sugar level, regulates the metabolism. Main food source – bran, honey, green vegetables, peanuts, fish and shellfish, spinach Supplement: magnesium from bone meal

Mangan: activates enzymes, facilitates the absorption of vitamins E and BI, digestion of fats and carbohydrates. Main food source – bananas, bran, seler, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, beans, liver, peanuts, ananasy, full grain Refill: manganese in tablets

Phosphor: affects the structure of bones and teeth, cell growth and regeneration, stimulates energy, regulates the work of the heart and muscles, affects the functioning of the kidneys, on the nervous system, facilitates the absorption of vitamins. Main food source – eggs, fish, grain, meat, poultry, yellow cheese Supplement: lecithin from bone meal

Potassium: regulates the heart rhythm, accelerates growth, affects the work of muscles and the nervous system. Main food source – dates, fiji, peaches, tomato juice, peanuts, raisins, seafood, Sunflower seeds, Baked Potatoes (because during cooking, the potassium is rinsed out with the water) Supplement: potassium salt

Selene: probably strengthens anti-cancer immunity, regulates the functions of the pancreas. Main food source – fish, meat, eggs, whole grain, Brown rice, Supplement lobsters: selenium in tablets

Sodium: the basic component of cellular fluid, regulates the work of muscles. Main food source – salt, milk, to be, fish and shellfish, A supplement is rarely needed, because we usually eat a lot of this element

Zinc: affects the healing of wounds and burns, helps in the digestion of carbohydrates, affects the development of the genital organs, facilitates the absorption of B1, phosphorus and protein. Main food source – beer yeast, liver, seafood, soybeans, spinach, Sunflower seeds, mushrooms

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