List of micronutrients

List of micronutrients

Vitamins and their role – Main food source

Vitamin A: regenerates the epidermis, increases resistance to infections, prevents the so-called. night blindness. Main food source – fish, fish liver oil, dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables, milk products, Carrots Supplement: cod liver oil and halibut.

Witamina B1 (thiamine): increases the appetite, improves circulation, pobudza energię i wzrost. Main food source – beer yeast, raw brown rice, fish, meat, peanuts, whole grain, Sunflower seeds. Supplement: wit. B complex in tablets

Witamina B2: helps in the formation of defense antibodies and red blood cells, regulates the metabolism. Main food source – beer yeast, eggs, fruit, green leafy vegetables, beans, peanuts, offal, poultry, full grain Refill: wit. B. complex * in tablets

Witamina PP: supports circulation, lowers cholesterol, stimulates growth, regulates the metabolism. Main food source – eggs, lean meat, milk products, offal, peanuts, seafood, whole wheat bread, Supplement cereal: vitamin tablets. PP

Witamina B6: helps in the formation of defensive antibodies, facilitates digestion, wzmacnia nerwy. Main food source – avocado, bananas, beer yeast, cabbage, fish, green leafy vegetables, meat, Italian nuts, plums, full grain Refill: wit. B complex or B6 in tablets

Witamina B12: increases the appetite, helps in the formation of red blood cells, strengthens the nervous system, ułatwia przyswajanie żelaza i reguluje przemianę materii. Main food source – beef, eggs, fish, milk products, offal, Supplement pork: sucking pills for better absorption of B12. They often contain lactose

Biotin (wit. H): supports cell growth, regulates the metabolism, produkcję kwasów tłuszczowych o podstawowym znaczeniu dla zdrowia. Main food source – beer yeast, egg yolks, beans, offal, full grain Refill: wit. B. complex w tabletkach

Cholina: prevents the formation of gallstones, regulates the metabolism. Main food source – beer yeast, egg yolks, fish, beans, offal, Supplement soybeans: wit. B complex or choline tablets

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