Simple goat cheese pancakes

Simple goat cheese pancakes

Ingredients: Filling: 20 a dag of goat's cheese, 50 a dag of spinach (plus possibly 6 a dag of hazelnuts or pine nuts), 2 spoons of cream, Oil; Sos: 4 tomatoes, onion, Garlic.

Make a pancake dough with 1,5 glasses of flour, 3 eggs, water (in such quantity, so that the consistency of the dough resembles a liquid, but not very thin cream).

Preheat the pan and grease it. Pour a portion of the dough into the pan and fry it 10-12 pancakes. Put ready-made pancakes on a plate and put them on top, so that they do not dry out.

Prepare the sauce: Fry the chopped onion and garlic clove on a tablespoon of oil. Add chopped tomatoes, sauté. Season to taste (you can add also 1/2 glasses of tomato juice). Cook over high heat for approx. 5 minutes.

Make a filling for pancakes: fry the crushed garlic clove on a tablespoon of oil, add spinach. Fry for about a minute. Add the diced goat cheese, cream and possibly. roasted nuts. Season with salt, pepper.

Spread the prepared stuffing evenly over the pancakes. Roll them up, then slightly warm it up, pour hot tomato sauce over it and serve immediately.

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