Pancake cake

Pancake cake

Ingredients: 25 a dag of flour, 2 glasses of milk, 2 eggs, 25 a dag of white cheese, 2 glasses of crystal sugar, 400 ml of fondant 36 proc., frying oil, 2 glasses of frozen red fruit, salt, lemon

1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Add two glasses of milk, a pinch of salt and whole eggs. Mix everything thoroughly or beat until smooth with a whisk. Set aside for 30 minutes, so that the dough thickens.

2. Meanwhile, run the white cheese through a food processor (you can also use the ready-made triple minced cottage cheese for cheesecake). Pour in one cup of granulated sugar. Beat with a mixer until fluffy. Beat the cream until stiff. Add the curd mass, mix gently.

3. In a frying pan, heat a tablespoon of oil. Fry the pancakes in batches. If necessary, periodically lubricate the pan with oil. Put the fried pancakes aside to cool, and then translate with the prepared cream, creating a cake.

4. Set the pancake cake aside to concentration. Put frozen fruit in a saucepan, cover with the remaining sugar. Keep warm, until the fruit is boiled and combined with sugar. Take the sauce off the heat, season to taste with lemon juice. Cool it down, pour over the cake.

8 portions, time approx. 60 min; portion - 420 kcal, price 1,60 zloty.

The best pancake flour is this one, which does not weigh the dough down. Thanks to this, the pancakes are light and extremely fluffy. To achieve this effect, choose flours of the lower type: 400, 450 i 500. In stores, you will find them under their names: cake flour or krupczatka. Sometimes there is also a note - to the pancakes.

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