Main dish

Main dish

Fish recipes, included in this chapter, make it possible to prepare nutritious food, attractive meals and can be especially useful in situations, when you don't have much time to cook.

Because people who cook for allergy sufferers usually also have to prepare normal meals for the rest of the household, roasted meat seems to be the best option. They can be eaten hot or cold, ground or chopped, they can also be used to prepare many other dishes.

Tam, where the recipe requires the use of oil, use sunflower or safflower oil. It is generally believed, that lamb meat does not cause allergies. This is perhaps because of the fact, that it is meat from animals only a few weeks old and not suitable for industrial fattening. Lambs often graze in wild pastures, where no chemicals are used and this could be another determinant of low allergen content.

In diets that exclude yeast, meat should be eaten immediately after preparation. Corn-fed chickens should be avoided on diets that exclude corn. We advise you to pay attention to recipes for sauces, pates and side dishes. Spicy sauces can be prepared in small amounts and served fresh to a cold roast.

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