Boiled cabbage dumplings

Boiled cabbage dumplings

Pie: 35 a dag of flour, egg

Stuffing: 1 kg of sugar cabbage, spoon of butter, large onion, 6 dried mushrooms, salt, pepper, a little mushroom decoction, hard-boiled egg

Prepare the stuffing: Finely chop the cabbage and lightly salt it. Boil the mushrooms soaked overnight in water, in which they soaked. In a saucepan, briefly fry the chopped onion in butter, then add the cabbage, baste with the mushroom decoction and simmer until tender. Chop the boiled mushrooms and hard-boiled egg, add to the cabbage, season with salt, pepper and let cool.

Knead the dough from the flour and eggs, adding some warm water, so that it is flexible and does not stick to hands. After kneading, roll them out thinly and cut out the discs with a wine glass. Put the stuffing, agglomerate the edges and tighten them firmly. Boil the dumplings in salted water for approx. 4 min. since departure. Serve on a heated dish, poured with melted butter or hot oil.

Baked dumplings with cabbage
Pie: 20 a dag of flour, half a cube of margarine, little egg, spoon of sour cream, pinch of salt

Stuffing: as in the previous recipe.
Knead the shortcrust pastry from the given ingredients (first chop the ingredients on the pastry board with a knife, and then we quickly knead it with our hands) and set aside on the ground floor of the refrigerator 30 min. After this time, roll it out thinly (2—3 mm) and cut out circles with a wine glass. Put some stuffing in the middle of each, stick the dumplings together and bake in the oven until golden brown. Serve hot borscht. They can be baked in advance, and then reheat in the oven.

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